For ERP Providers

For ERP Providers

For ERP Providers

For ERP Providers

For ERP Providers

Our local heroes

Is your ERP already AI enabled? Offer your customers the power of AI by becoming a local hero.


native integrations

Not a local hero yet?

Build together with us the new future of AI for your ERP system

Become a hero!

Get in touch



as a local hero

AI Research

Collaborate with us in researching the ability to make your ERP AI friendly.

Colaborative Development

Develop and test with us new technical approaches. Lets be bold together.

Stay your customers Hero

Be the touchpoint to your cusotmer, from integration to customer service.

Have a say

With our AWP we develop a new industry standard. How about taking a first-row seat and have a say?

Grow with us

Be part of our success story and grow your business with ours. We have attractive collaboration conditions.


Benefit from co-marketing campaigns and budgets to grow your brands awareness and use of AWP.

The AI layer for your ERP

Offer your customers all the benefits of an AI layer. Bring your ERP to the next level and

Becoming your hyper personal

AI co-worker

Bevome a hero 🦸‍♂️

Allow your customers to use the new standard. The AI Workspace Platform

We love simplicity; therefore the integration into Hoshii is very simple and straight forward

Becoming your hyper personal

AI co-worker

Become a hero 🦸‍♂️



